Vsystem sustainability report

Vsystem sustainability report

The Vsystem sustainability report is out!

The sustainability report analyses every aspect of the Vsystem corporate and manufacturing structure. Vsystem has always paid attention to the environmental and social impact of its activities, striving for sustainability with actions oriented towards the climate and social context in which it operates, both inside and outside company walls. This means everything from the employee water dispenser that takes moisture from the air to the definition of procedures and optimizations that can increase production efficiency, as well as a strict adherence to rules regarding environmental emissions, and the management of human relations, the well-being of collaborators and employees, and the quality and healthiness of work environments, all crucial aspects of social sustainability.

The drafting of a sustainability report also provides an opportunity to reflect on the firm’s internal and external image, which can lead to the reviewing of operational aspects that might impact on collective sustainability actions. Examples include assessing the packaging in which pieces are shipped once processed, attempting to reduce overpackaging, and substituting parts of the packaging with solutions based on recycling, re-use or that come from renewable sources, all while ensuring the maximum level of protection.

The Vsystem sustainability report is the result of analysis by Annalisa Collina, a student on the Materials Engineering: Sustainability and Circularity in Production and Logistics post-graduate course at the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, within the Enzo Ferrari Department of Engineering with which Vsystem has collaborated for many years on a variety of research and innovation projects.

Read the full Sustainability Report (Italian).